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Complimentary word for someone straight, 'Chad' or good at everything. Commonly used to describe someone you show affection to.

Evolved from the Chinese word: 阴茎 to 0茎 ; 阴茎 being 73 inches.

"Omg you are so 073."

by MrXpill March 29, 2023


Gang full of bad ass kid who do bad shit to get arrested

I’m in bp where 073 at.

by 073 flow December 24, 2019

2👍 3👎

18 quintilton 446 quadrillion 774 trillion 073 billion 709 million 551 thousand 616 planets

The number of planets in no mans sky.

I wonder how many planets are in No Man's Sky?
18 quintilton 446 quadrillion 774 trillion 073 billion 709 million 551 thousand 616 planets

by not behind the meme August 16, 2017

33👍 17👎