Source Code


A Number Which Has Symbolization From And Is Often Associated With The Alexcían Empire, 『AE』 .

C Grader: long live AE, 1422 xd

other C Grader: based

furry usf simp: grrrrr! wtf

by Alexcían Empire Thingy July 12, 2024


Cutie pie named Jonas who is so cute and nice but cheated on his gf with ariana. He was framed by Bri and Nathan. He hates Oakes Fegley and plays minecraft and is transphobic. He is also a communist. Some of his famous quotes are “ It is literally fake no matter what you say”, “ I aint scared unless oakes fegley comes running at me”, and more but unfortunately they cannot be found.

Omg stop being such a THE BAD GAMER#1422 !

by oakesiscute31 October 15, 2022