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A year in which many things happened. The USSR ceased to exist. The world wide web came in to being. Nirvana released their "Nevermind" album leading to the grunge fashion trends that would follow. Also its the same backwards as it is forwards (i think that's kinda cool) The first gulf war was going on, and the first George Bush was president.

he was born in 1991

1991 and the rest of the 90s provided many technological advances

by thatswicked May 11, 2006

285πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


The year I was born and it was a kickass year. The Ruskies finally got it figured out that communism sucks, the internet was invented, music was great, good movies came out, Twins won the world series, and the world was in peace, with an exception for some nuiscance think with Desert Storm that lastest only 3 months, not 8 years like this other Bush did it. A very spiritual year and music even had a futuristic-spiritual sound to it, way farther ahead than now. Then the grunge heads had came in and brought it backwards to the 1960s. America was at it's peak that year.

1991 was a kickass year...even though I was only a baby

by Kyle 230 October 4, 2010

74πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


The "Original" U.S. War(Desert Storm/Gulf War) last's 2 1/2 months
African American Los Angelino Rodney King is caught on video getting Beat down by the LAPD,
Paul "Pee-Wee" Herman.....Need i say more,
Commusism ends in Russia Boris Yeltsin is elected president of that nation,
Milwaukee Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer is Caught later gets killed by an inmate in prison,
The Super Nintendo Video game system is released,

MLB:Minnesota Twins win The World Series
NFL:New York Giants are the 1990 Superbowl Champions
NBA:The Begining of the Jordan era in NBA as the Chicago Bulls win their first Title
NASCAR:Ernie Irvan wins the Daytona 500, Dale Earnhardt wins his 5th NASCAR Winston CUP Championship, one of my Favorite drivers Ken Schrader win's the last two of his only four Winston CUP Victory's
IRL: Indy 500 Winner:Ricky Mears

that (Above) in a nutshell was alot of 1991

by Joe Smith 2 December 17, 2007

63πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A Year Of Good Stuff
1. SEGA Released Sonic The Hedgehog For The Megadrive/Genesis

2.Super Mario World Was Released For The Super Nintendo
3. Windows 3.1 Was Made

Guy 1: Hey Man You Remember 1991
Guy 3: There Was Lots of Games That I played on the Megadrive And Super Nintendo

by OllyRBLXOfficial March 26, 2021

1991 tricks

Its when your skateboarding and you cant pop your tricks and you pivot your 180 tricks 170 degrees of the way like your jason lee in video days

Rob, your backside flip was a kickflip pivot, its bullshit man its not 1991 anymore so stop with the 1991 tricks

by Francis Bazik October 26, 2006

9πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Dec 16 1991

The day when Bucky barnes Aka The winter soldier killed tony stark’s parents 30 years ago. shown in captain America civil war

Josh : omg I can’t believe it’s been 30 years since dec 16 1991 when the winter soldier killed Tony’s parents

Brad: I know. anyways team cap

Josh: fuck you. team iron man

by Kissmyskull06 December 30, 2022

Back in 1991 I saw a guy driving down the road who owned one.

Greg Snyder was witness to one of the most key moments of 1991. It was back in 1991 when he saw a guy driving down the road who owned one. Greg went on to state his claim for all to see on social media. He didn’t care who believed him. A man of principle and character, a gentleman and a scholar.

Whoa, look at that sweet 1988 Chrysler Conquest TSI!!
Back in 1991 I saw a guy driving down the road who owned one.

by Hurt Feelings December 3, 2020

84πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž