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The year of porn.

2069 will be the year of porn.

by Floor Pete Sake! May 24, 2016

48πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


hehe nice

2069/4/20 will be the day the world ends

by Mr OceMcCool February 2, 2021

Niggerstick 2069

The greatest wand that ever existed. Better then fucking Harry Potter's wand. It allows the holder to summon the world's largest penis, 16 inches. Only one niggerstick exists. It is under the current ownership of the Chief Bro Justice. The niggerstick can do anything do not doubt it.

blitzkrieg: lemme look in my spell book
15:19 blitzkrieg: chinktitis nigglosa
15:19 blitzkrieg: try that one
15:21 blitzball574: Chinktitis Nigglosa!
15:21 blitzball574: fuck dude i dont think im casting it right
15:21 blitzkrieg: dude ur wand fukin sucks
15:21 blitzkrieg: u need to get the new niggerstick 2069

by Brocouncil October 21, 2008

20πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

20 April 2069

National Barney Stinson day

Wear a suit, If you don’t, you will get slapped

It doesn’t count if you wear a blazer , you HAVE to wear a suit on 20 April 2069 *Slap*

by hi.how.r.u.idc November 1, 2019

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


the day Gamers are elected as senators and have a gamer president with supreme court gamer justices.it is also the day all the xbox live friends you ever had will reunite with you one last time for one final team deathmatch in Rust in MW2.

Zoomer "they said several years ago we would play again tomorrow"

AEoomer "Will you ever see them again dad?"
Zoomer "We will meet again in 4/20/2069...when the most oppressed group is oppressed no more. now come child it is time i teach you how to no-scope.

by lionheart617 February 17, 2021

June 9th 2069

An epic funny number day

"haha funny number"
"look at the date."
"June 9th 2069?"

by 0994 December 7, 2020

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

April 20 2069

Day of the gods.

April 20 2069: the day when humanity will rejoice

by moleculareric May 13, 2021

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž