Source Code


Named for the allele recently discovered that determines whether a male will be monogamous or not. If a man has two of these chromosomes he is more likely to be single and if married, more likely to cheat.

Yo I saw Darren movin'on that girl in accounting but he's married! What a low down 334!

by legolasislove September 3, 2008

40👍 23👎


334 means Fit For Duty. It is a symbol of the term used to describe being well enough to continue forward. It can range from being in the best shape of one's life to dragging oneself along by one limb.

I've got some medical jazz continuing in the background, but I'm totally 334.

by H0peful57 August 20, 2023

40👍 48👎


This is a way people from area code 334 show love and represent where they come from.

I <334 you!

by SouthernBella April 24, 2009

17👍 20👎

334 Club

The 334 Club is the term used to describe the 334 fans that braved 20 inches of snow to attend the New Jersey Devils 7-5 victory over the Calgary Flames on January 22, 1987 at the Meadowlands.

If you're a member of the 334 Club, good for you.

by Otacon308 March 21, 2009

27👍 3👎

Rule 334

If you have no game, then don't waste the time of the people who do.

Dude, you just airballed. Rule 334 says get off the court.

Homie, she's out of your league. Rule 334 says its someone elses turn to try.

by Sugadaddy1086 March 30, 2010

30👍 19👎

Rule 334

Like Rule 34 and Rule 34F, except more official.
If it exists, there's furry porn of it.

Person 1: "Dude, is there porn of furry Teen Titans?"
Person 2: "Rule 334."
Person 1: "Holy fuck why??"

by CHCreations May 5, 2019

3👍 3👎