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A calender date that doesn't exsists.

Girl, when you gone do my hair?
Girl, It'll get done on the 33rd, I got shit to do.

by Khadijah George April 24, 2008

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Slang term of the jail located in Downtown Orlando

You, did you hear that (insert name here) got a DUI?

She spent the night in 33rd.

by Ghost February 4, 2005

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a way to exlude other people

i am not cool enough to be a 33rd

by dmexican February 3, 2005

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group of people you can define as retarded New Yorkers wannabe, which have a strong american spirit in the way they like to act as part of a team

the next stop is 33rrrrrrrrrrrrrrd street

by Sooooophi February 23, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj : the ordinal number of thirty-three in counting order. A comparative number or rank, occuring between 32nd and 34th.

Psy-sci is the 33rd gayest person in history. <3

by Superbo February 3, 2005

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33rd base

when you meet your girlfriend in an empty movie theatre and proceed to have sex but this can only take place if the movie you are watching is a horror

jose: dude i made it to 33rd base last night
juan: no way...what movie
jose: the grudge
juan: nice

by jose jualapeno on a stick May 12, 2008

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33rd precinct

The main police precinct in Guashingtong Heights, NY where the cops beat the shit out of piff carrying dominicans and get them ready for central bookings

Yo son lets not smoke that blunt in Highbridge, we might end up in tha 33rd precinct

by Ian B'bein October 12, 2007

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