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The 4play is a word taken from Big Shaqs famous song "Mans not hot" it is used by fellow individuals to refer as the maximum 4 out of the 4 from 1234

Jonas: do you know the power of the 4play ? its the maximum number from the power of 4
person 2 : Really ? bro you capping

by Joe MAMA_DontASK November 21, 2019


To be the best at playing all sorts of games especially all types of ping pong. This includes traditional ping pong, Texas ping pong, Polish ping pong and Beer pong.

Wow,They are the fucking 4play at Texas ping pong!

by Pongmaster11 May 16, 2009

32👍 56👎


The master of pleasing a Woman.

Holy, that guy is a 4PLaY

by Anonymous May 17, 2003

52👍 68👎