Source Code


Slang for Rohypnol. 542 was imprinted on Roche's 1mg Rohypnol tablets. Rohypnol contains the benzodiazepine Flunitrazepam.

I can't remember anything from last night. Sorry i trashed your appartment, must have been the booze and 542's.

by EvilutionDK February 23, 2010

38👍 12👎


Ask a question by text.

Person1: hey where does Oliver Clozeof live?
Person2:I dont know just 542 him

by Oliver Clozeof January 1, 2010

17👍 12👎


542 is usually a key word for Blueboys. The drug or tablet.

Where can i get a card of 542's from?

by Adz519 May 26, 2008

9👍 6👎


confessing your feelings towards someone in the most unknownable way.

542 (I like you since ___)

by walcord August 26, 2023

20👍 4👎

Code 542

Noob is in da hood. Means that a noob has entered the service. Can be used by the noob himself as a message to others that he or she need guidance. Paradoxally, noobs don't usually use the word. Why? Because they are noobs. More often used by someone else watching the noob, said for example after the noob has failed in something.

Nick: "W00000t!!!111 I accidentally destroyed myself in tis game!!1
Rick: "Code 542."

by Chevalier/WAA December 16, 2010

4👍 8👎