Source Code


A time set to the practice of 'dabbing' or vaporizing pure marijuana concentrated oils known as BHO or butane honey oil. 7:10 on a digital clock upside down (old hedd pager codes) spells OIL. As opposed to 4:20 which is the act of smoking marijuana flowers, 7:10 is using an Eclipse Vape device, a oil-dome or a vapor/hash skillet to vaporize the prized oils on contact

710 on 7/10 at 7:10

i 7:10'd and forgot where i put it

by WWEntity July 11, 2011

766๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž


7:10 Is an easier term for telling someone you will pick them up in the morning before school. Most commonly communicated with a text message.
This term is especially useful when your parents won't allow you to pick up your friend, but yet you do it anyway.
It is used with a friend who you regularly give rides to, to school.
It is a common phrase in the suburban Cincinnati area, and is catching on in other cities.

Amber: hey, 7:10?
Jessie: 7:10!

by AmBZ/StiLTZ February 26, 2010

85๐Ÿ‘ 672๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rate you give people you; don't really know, don't give a shit about, only see their snaps of hand over 75% over their face

Jessica :Rate me
You: 7/10
* Jessica is not that hot but makes it up in personality I guess, but nobody care about her in the nicest way possible

by Tealcatcat March 26, 2018

41๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

7-10 split

1, A shot in bowling where the only pins left are the 7 and 10, which are on each side of the lane.
2, An extremily wide punani, so called because of the imposible-to-hit shot in bowling
3, When the space at the top of a woman's legs is very far apart, usually indicating definition 2.

1, Oh, dang. How am I supposed to get a spare now? It's a 7-10 split!
2, Charmaine's been fucked so many times that she's got a 7-10 split!
3, Tiffani's too much of a sket. Look at her legs! For christ sakes shes got a 7-10 split!

by Kilo Lobo June 15, 2003

50๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

7-10 Split

Getting kicked in the balls!

Bob: Man what happened to you?

Jim: I tried to get that girls number and she gave me a 7-10 split

by MistahTom September 13, 2005

82๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

7-10 Split

A sexual act derived from the bowling term that describes the event that a player misses only the back corner pins on his first roll of a frame.

While fingering a girl after doggy style (using two fingers), insert your thumb into her anus which is similar to the way you would grab a bowling ball with finger holes. Then proceed to "roll her" into the headboard/wall.

The name comes from the fact that it is almost impossible to get a spare after a 7-10 split, and it will likely be impossible for you to have any future relations with this girl if you pull it off.

Guy1: I wanna break up her with but I hate the damn break up talk.

Guy 2: Dude, just give her the 7-10 split, she'll never call you again.

by MojoRisin4747 December 2, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

7 10 Split

When you're going at a girl from behind, you spread her legs and you put your balls in her pussy and then fuck her in the ass. If you punch her in the back of the head right as you cum, it's called picking up the spare.

Guy 1: "Dude, Kay was actin' a fool last night so I gave her the old 7 10 split."
Guy 2: "Did you pick up the spare on that shit?"
Guy 1: "You know it, bro!"

by Gruntmaster 9k December 4, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž