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In the game Team Fortress Classic or similar Quake-based game, a rite that is performed to initiate trash talk and bestow shame upon the receiving player within the current match or game. Sometimes comes in the form of doubles or, very rarely, triples.

Player #1: "OHHHHH, AIRSHOT"
Player #2: "Yeah I didn't feel like strafing out of the way. Lucky sho-"
Player #1: <Insert witty bind here>
Player #1: <Insert witty bind here>

by RaXoR246 May 24, 2010

31👍 3👎


An airshot is essentially being able to predict where an airborne enemy is flying to, and hitting them by firing a rocket or explosive in their trajectory.

dude i just airshot that guy

by dippingsauce11 July 17, 2023