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An organization that unlike PETA, actually helps out animals and does a better job of fighting animal cruelty than PETA does.

Man, look how much ASPCA has accomplished in fighting animal cruelty!

by Kosaku January 21, 2012

68👍 6👎


The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
and organization like PETA that helps protect animals from cruel mistreatment

We are the voice!

by 35X March 30, 2007

121👍 38👎


Anal Sex Pleasure Country.. Association.

"Man, I wasn't so sure about a pinky up the butt, though after going to the ASPCA, I'm much more endowed with knowledge of anal stuff."

by Intercourse Intermediate December 4, 2015

4👍 15👎

ASPCA face

Pronounced 'as-pah' face (with a silent 'C', because that stinking extra consonant makes it flow all wrong n' stuff.)

A sad faced animal often seen on ASPCA Commercials (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) to induce pity and encourage mass donations of money.


The expression seen in many bars/clubs/other social establishments on the face of men after being harshly shot down whilst picking up women.


The sad look on children's faces when they don't get their way.


The expression seen on guys' faces whilst attempting to solicit sex using a guilt-trip scenario.


The expression on women's faces for just about anything under the sun when it's not the way they *perfectly* envisioned it.

I hate it when they put those ASPCA-faced puppies on TV. I feel like crying and adopting all 34509435034534534095 of them!!!


Dude, what did she say to you? You have a total ASPCA face going on!! She must have been harsh!


tell your kids to wipe that aspa face off, you're NOT going to Disney Land, you're going to your room! NOW!!!


Don't give me that ASPCA face, I don't care if you're going to die a virgin!!!


How could you have that ASPCA-face on, you knew he still lived with his parents!!

by The Vaginacological Society January 8, 2011

10👍 2👎

ASPCA commercial

1)aspca commercial(adj.)- Something so sad, that will make almost anyone anyone cry till they die.

2)(adj).- a state of awkwardness when someone else cries because of something sad but you can't seem to shed a tear.

1)man, i just broke up with my girlfriend, it was like an ASPCA commercial.

2) I just had an ASPCA commercial moment right there, my girlfriend still cried because her dog died, I can't even put on a sad face. she now hates me

by almightynino March 15, 2016

2👍 4👎