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Ghetto for "Alright"

Q: "Pass the hot sauce".
A: "Aah-ite"

"You have the right to remin silent"


by Rooster June 4, 2002

385👍 154👎


Another butchering of the Enlgish language by the illiterate. A street contraction meaning, "All right,"

"Would you say you're a stupid, mouth-breathing dink who uses street slang because he could never make it through remedial reading?"

To which the dumb-ass responds, "Aah-ite!"

by The Drizzle January 24, 2005

88👍 64👎


southern slang for alright ((see a'ight))

A: "will one of y'all throw me one of them there wrenches?"

B "A'ight whichen ya want?"

by evanizzle April 12, 2004

33👍 22👎


a word the lil rascals used to say alrighty then

alfalfa: can i have a sticker?
some otha chillun: aah-ite.

by jessbooger June 16, 2004

11👍 27👎


favourite phrase of Director Quentin Tarantino

so what i did was take this element from this movie ahh-ite... then added this element fromt this movie ahh-ite?

by Wraith108 January 11, 2005

6👍 22👎


A term mostly used by Redneck southerners and ignorent people...its a shame really

bob:Geet yet?
billy:Naw jew
Bob:Naw yauntoo
Billy: AAH-ITE

by KAY May 5, 2005

6👍 26👎


Redneck way of saying alright.

Person 1: Did ya eat yet?
Person 2: No, you?
Person 1: Aah-ite

by Ami February 10, 2005

5👍 30👎