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A city in British Columbia, Canada, where everything is boring and everybody wants to go to another town to do stuff

Abbotsford's boring...let's go to Vancouver

by idiot_bag December 4, 2007

315👍 104👎


A city where the only thing people do, Is sit around and smoke weed.

" Abbotsford is gay, what do you want to do?"
" Blaze? "
" OK. "

by Terror, April 17, 2008

191👍 68👎

abbotsford ignorant

gays in vancouver use this term to describe the ignorance that abbotsford seems to reek of. abbotsford being a town full of bible thumpers, they are often s hocked and angered by the big city world.

'wow that guy over there's gotta be abbotsford ignorant'

by paul April 17, 2005

23👍 39👎