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A guy/girl who gives blowjobs to chicken nuggets.

Dang That guys eats those nuggets like a real Adamsexual

by rock paper machete June 19, 2018


When a straight man is attracted to no other man but Adam Lambert

Tommy Joe Ratliff is Adam Lambert's base guitarist who got kissed during the AMA performance. He's a straight guy but he's in love with Adam and Adam only ;) He's Adamsexual

by obsessiveGlambert2744 January 6, 2010

73👍 36👎


Sexually attracted to only asexual males that go by the name Adam, and have a username starting with “luq.” This person is most likely very weird, gives off bad vibes, and is not attractive. Girls and/or boys always talk about this Adam person non-stop and would kill anyone in their way to finding love from Adam, just like being a yandere. They blush intensely when he walks around and would usually become perverted for Adam and always try to get the chance to talk to him, even when he lies on his death bed. They also follow the religion of the flying Spaghetti Monster and they’re most likely a stranger to their friend groups and will be called out if they are Adamsexual. This is not a part of the LGBTQ+ community because it is so strange that nobody likes it except the people who follow this sexuality.

Person 1: So, what are your sexualities? I’m transgender.

Person 2: Cool! I’m lesbian.
Person 3: I’m bisexual.

Person 4: Nice, you guys! I’m Adamsexual!

Person 1, 2, and 3 back away slowly while repeating a ritual to ban Person 4 from their society.

by i’m not sophia at all smh June 20, 2019


someone who is attracted to Adam (Ainosuku Shindo) from 'Sk8 The Infinity.'

Bethany: "omg i absolutely adore Adam (Ainosuku Shindo) from Sk8 The Infinity, i love him so much!"

Connor: "oh you're adamsexual."

by _kanashii_ May 24, 2022