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Adult Animation

Any animated movie or TV show only meant for adults.

It baffles me how people still believe that animation is only meant for kids while there's hundreds if not thousands of adult animations out there. These must be the same people who think Adam Sandler movies are "adult" in comparison.

by CelticEagle February 18, 2019

adult animation

A type of animation that's supposedly meant to be for adults but ends up catering toward edgy 12 year olds who think that over the top swearing beats cleverness when it comes to comedy. There are a few exceptions however, including South Park and Rick and Morty.

Me: "Hey, did you ever go see Sausage Party in theaters?"
friend: "Yeah, I remember seeing half the room filled with 12-year olds and the other half with parents who were forced to take them."
Me: "that's adult animation for yah."

by Dubiks November 10, 2018

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