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A person who resides within the boundaries of the greatest state in these United States of America.

I have been an Alabamian my entire life and Roll Tide Roll!

by Kevin's Hero May 8, 2009

32πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A motherfucker who has incest.

Yo! Did you know that white girl down the street is an Alabamian?
That's fucking disgusting!

by motherfucker_that.died March 24, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


If two or more people that possess certain reminiscences regarding to their genetical identities, or to be less puzzling, their heredity, coitate eachother.

Billy: Accent of a Southerner Ayo, Aa'm from Ealabeama (Alabama - the state whose particular stereotypes have initialized me of writing this article) and Aa just had some a' the more delicate stuff with ma' sister.

Joseph: So ya' had Alabamianism?

by sublimed sex technique January 5, 2021


They fuck their sisters knowing its incest

The Alabamians fuck their sisters knowing its incest

by Radge is indian69 May 16, 2019

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alabamian hotpocket

The act of shitting into a girl's vagina, and eating it back out

Bro #1: "yo I just broke up wit my girl cuz she wanted me to give her an Alabamian Hotpocket"
Bro #2: "shit sucks bro"

by DCI_Guy July 14, 2017

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Alabamian Gangbang

The girl is attached to a spinning torture wheel as the two men, one on floor and one hanging upside down from the ceiling, alternate between traditional and anal intercourse. The girl must have a brother participating in order for this to work.

I had my first Alabamian Gangbang last night.

by Alabama Ventura, Sex Detective September 18, 2020

Alabamian fuck

An Alabamian

Did you see the new Alabamian fuck that they just transferred here?

by Alabamian fuck ζ­»δΊΊ October 6, 2019