Source Code


1) a word tacked on to the beginning, middle, or end of a group of words that emphasizes that fact that what you are saying may not be true.

2) a word used to get your point across about someone or something without sounding biggoted, bias, or harsh.

3) a way to spread gossip around while verbally citing that you heard it from a source that may not be a reliably truthful source.

*use the word allegedly. it's much safer and makes you look less suspicious.

1) Today they're selling ice cream at lunch time. Allegedly.

2) Bob's toasters never seem to work. Allegedly.

3) Susie stole bubble gum from the store then cheated on Georgie with Johnnie. Allegedly.

by lollipopcupcake May 22, 2007

130πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


When you do something embarrassing during a drug or alcohol fuelled runaway, all responsibility for such acts can be erased by simply saying 'allegedly' when talking about it afterwards.

Frank: "Jeez Pat, you must've been wasted last night - you pissed in Rob's suitcase!"

Pat: "Allegedly pissed in his suitcase ..."

Frank: "Ahhhhhh Pat, you crazy! We all saw you do it but, you know, allegedly ..."

by Ol Grimey December 4, 2014

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Something that might have taken place,but there is no proof to back up the claim.

"Hey did you here boots and the ginger fucked an ostrich."


by The123whoknows May 2, 2019

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Supposedly doing something like a scandal

"I am an influencer, allegedly."
"My socialblade is green,allegedly."

by Defosnotdalescott July 17, 2017

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

allegedly straight

Anybody who isn't out.

Person to two guys: You would make a cute couple.

Guy: I'm straight
Person: Allegedly Straight

by m999999999m November 14, 2021


Definitely fucking not

Dude, I’m allegedly going to some bitch’s b-day party… it’s gonna be totally lame!

by groovydiaper May 21, 2022


I'm sorry I was supposed to say ALLEGEDLY.

Hym "ALLEGEDLY, Andy. I had a thing I wrote expressing my disappointment but I think it got deleted. I'm not sure if you saw it even though I know you aren't entirely dependent on me actually submitting the things I write. That was a while ago... Sad. It's a sad affair. But I hope it's bullshit. Innocent until proven guilty! Unless you're a plant. In which case, either way you're a plant. I really do have to stop forgetting to say allegedly though... Bad habits and all that..."

by Hym Iam July 13, 2024