Source Code


When the designers of something cannot grasp the potential of that which they designed, thereby altering it unnecessarily until it becomes obsolete and it's potential lost forever.

"I hope they don't anet Age of Conan just like Guild Wars."

by Ghostly Hero June 16, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very beautiful and artsy. Loves crafting. Anete is a great mother. She loves and cares about everyone. If you have a Anete in your life keep her really close because she will always support u.

Anete is so pretty. Look she made me a bracelet.
Thats very pretty
I love you Anete

by bubbleszszsz November 4, 2019

36๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best fucking person to exist. She's gorgeous and amazing and one of the best people to talk to. Her jokes never fail to make me laugh and is always so fun to be around. She's a very loyal and trustworthy friend but will only give u one chance. She dresses so nicely and has every girl wanting to look like her. She owns silk pyjamas and always looks after her hair and skin no matter the time.

Person 1: omg I just ditched anete that fat slag.
Person 2: your loss mate

by Katy Perry 4 life July 1, 2022


Antisocial girl who throws everyone out of her life and then is surprised why no one is talking to them.

Anete, stop it. get some help

by TeaLover707 February 18, 2018

25๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anete is the biggest baby out there

Anete you are such a baby

by Justin_welsion July 1, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anet Privilege

Anet privilege definition: When a class in the game Guild Wars 2 is broken or has high advantages over others such as distortion or permanent use of the condition immobilize.

Q:Why does that mesmer have so much distortion?

A: Oh that is Anet privilege.

Q: Why does that ranger keep me permanently immobilized ?
A: That's a mechanic it's called , Anet pivilege.

by Ordx November 17, 2021


The best fucking person to exist. She's gorgeous and amazing and one of the best people to talk to. Her jokes never fail to make me laugh and is always so fun to be around. She's a very loyal and trustworthy friend but will only give u one chance. She dresses so nicely and has every girl wanting to look like her. She owns silk pyjamas and always looks after her hair and skin no matter the time.

Person 1: omg I just ditched anete that fat slag.
Person 2: your loss mate

by Katy Perry 4 life July 1, 2022