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Anti acid supressor for the gastro-intestinal tract or aa slurred version of an accident. Made by Courtney when speaking to Will.

"It was antacidant!"

Yo, you got an antacidant? I didn't realise I made a catfood sandwich.. thought it was tuna.

by lugo-is-my-bitch May 26, 2010

2👍 2👎


A substance that reduces or corrects acidity, esp. in the stomach

My wife had a real bad stomachache and the doctor gave her some antacid pills.

by Silent Lake September 30, 2007

15👍 1👎

Tums antacid

A nasty ass reliever for those lovely heartburns

Bob: i have some heartburn mom.
Mom: oh let me give you some tums antacid.
Bob: do you want me to throw up asshole
Mom: thats it im gonna shove those tums up your rectum
Bob: noooooooooo

by Brownsock69 January 19, 2020

3👍 1👎