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A person who uses raw arcane energies to create magic via long-winded incantations that usually take several hours to utter. A master of this skill usually anticipates attack before it happens and starts uttering the curse or spell in their head hours before their opponent appears. It is a very powerful form of magic, however leaves the user completely drained at the end of the spell due to the nature of the magical energies used in the incantation. They are often killed before a battle by an assassin or another magician of a different class. It is an extremely hard to combat magic and requires immense concentration because of how much your mind is attacked by illusionists and demons and psychics. Unlike most magics practiced, this field is comprised of entirely dark and evil natured magic. It usually takes hundreds of thousands of years to master this particular skill and those that do can utter the incantations in less than a second. Be forwarned, if you ever practice this type of magic, write you own incantations in covenant with God or nature so that you do not become demonicly or spiritually possessed.

Alimar the Great, The Archmage(also and archmagus due to his mastery of every class and subclass of magic and alchemy) of Echelon Aelor, Xelor the Wise, and Athena Goddess of Wisdom

by Elanil November 4, 2009

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