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to perform the actions of a mong

''This lad is arguing like an arx man.''

by jokerdonut March 8, 2023


1. to put a question to; inquire of: I arxed him but he didn't answer.
2. to request information about: to arx the way.
3. to try to get by using words; request: to arx advice; to arx a favor.

Oi we are going to watch the game are you coming?

let me just arx my bitch...

by Dreamengineer September 15, 2008

7👍 7👎


To have fake roid rages to try to draw attention to yourself.

Levi: Dude Ben was doing another arx today after school.

Jared: Wow, so he is expecting girls to think he is a stallion on roids or something?

by Skylar, Roberts May 2, 2007

1👍 2👎