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As Per Usual

The redundant version of "Per usual", used to add extra words and seem more official.

As according to usual
As as usual

Have my assistant handle my accounts this week as per usual.

by djjellyk November 13, 2015

57👍 8👎

As Per Usual

Nothing out of the ordinary here!

There goes John Doe. Late for work, as per usual.

by leadfeather89 May 15, 2010

100👍 32👎

As per usual

Words used to passive aggressively describe a situation you self-pityingly expected, yet did not want to occur.

Graves inting, jgl diff as per usual. FF 15 pls.

by Dustyhead December 1, 2019

1👍 2👎

As per usual

copyright trademark kiritikill to dont steal do not use fuck you

as per usual, sex

by batard, the fucker January 17, 2021