Source Code


1. n. Graffiti, tag, signature

2. (a) n. A black eye - in the sense that an impression (or 'signature') is left on the recipient.

2. (b) v. To give a black eye.

"Just me and you motherfucker. Just me and you. I'll put trademarks around your fucking eyes."

by faux real July 11, 2008

116๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


An identity that is so unique to a company, product, or service that freak'en the U.S. & International Governments recognize the value to their economies and legally protect the identities through registering it. A registered trademark is on file at the United States Trademark & Patent and are often identified with "ยฎ" after the brand's name.

Numbnuts started a business named______only to find out that he was using someones trademark and now the doofess is loosing it all and then some! A moron would have known better and would have checked it out before they named their business.

by TradeMark Spark April 19, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really tight, original shit with a marketable gimmick exclusive to one person.

Shit dawg, that Yukon Cornelius album is fuckin' TRADEMARK.

by Yukon Cornelius February 13, 2004

41๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of stealing/claiming/
borrowing something from someone else. to make something your own/keep it for yourself.

example 1 - if a girl is trying to hit on another girls man, the girlfriend could say "she's trying to trademark my man!".
Example 2 - if you wanted to borrow your best friends fabulous new jacket, you would say to her "I'm so gonna trademark that jacket"
example 3 - if you wanted to claim the last piece of cake at the table, rather than 'baggsing' it, you would trademark it - as to save it for yourself.

by channy_mac May 22, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a really cool rock/rap band in staffordshire with fab songs who were no 1 on pu1se at one point and nearly won a battle of the bands contest but knocked up 3rd instead.

Trademarked are ace, i want them to get big!!!

by gr8lilchic2 January 14, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thuggizzle Trademark

Founded and owner Phillip Hodge also known as hip hop artist and community philanthropist Thuggizzle.

Thuggizzle trademark is owned by Phillip Hodge.

by I misspell words March 28, 2019

Trademarkism Syndrome

is a known internet-mobile fling of people trying to get anointed for some "things" they ought to create over the net or via text messages. A primordial dilemma to oversee an unknown assault to self-esteem. People having these trait that went to a blissful syndrome have blank piece of self-esteem, trying to conjure a trademark which has gone mundane.

Trademarkism syndrome includes people who create symbols and tag a trade over them, so that they will be able to boost their low-class esteem to something more reasonable dilemma which for them is neither wrong or erroneous. Jejemon typing.

by pircano April 23, 2010

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