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She's beautiful, intelligent, and independent. Athina is often shy and quiet, but has a warm heart and is selfless.

"Damn, Athina's beautiful."

"She's amazing."

by ayenay June 15, 2014

271๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Athina is the girl that everybody wants as a friend or as a girlfriend.She is very sweet and kind but when she wants she can be bad af.If you respect her,she will respect you,if you don't then she won't.The most of the times she will have Blonde hair,green or blue eyes,and she will be short.But that doesn't mean she will always be like this! She is the person that can be bad and good at the same time,she will trust you if she wants to do it.All the boys want her,even if they don't admit it,they are.And all the girls want to be like her.She will always be up for anything.

Dude 1 : "Hey,did you saw Athina today?"
Dude 2 : "Yeah,she was hot"
Dude 1 : "Yeah"

Girl 1 : "Hey Athina,want to go snowboarding this weekend?"
Athina : "Of course! By the way,do you want to eat anything.I'll pay"
Girl 2 : "Nice,and,nah,we're good,but thanks for the offer"

by SuperHero March 20, 2015

58๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awesome, sweet, cute girl who is super smart and the best in her class. She is a lot like Athena goddess of wisdom but a induvidual way of spelling it. Guys stare in awe when an Athina walks by and beg her for aproval. You NEVER want an Athina for an enemy or she WILL screw up your life.

"Whoa she's so smart she's gotta be an Athina"

by Skyeee!!! April 24, 2010

172๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Greek Godess Of War and Wisdom. She is verry Smart, Beautiful, Hot and loveable.

She is Very Sarcastic and somtimes is strange in a good way. She likes to watch Scrubs.

Being a ballerina is her thing. Being short makes her cuddleable.

Being An Athina Means she works hard, is a great friend, is truthful and she is Awesome.

Athina's have a good eye for beautiful things.

Athina is the more individual and better way of spelling Athena. Athinas are the best!

Bob: Wow that girl over there is out of this world awesome
Fred: Yeah thats Athina For You

by I-Heart-Random-Things November 3, 2009

96๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


another way of spelling Athena; It is a noun and it is a feminine name.

"Hi Athina!"

"Hi random person!"

by antonio112 February 4, 2013

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful Greek goddess of wisdom.

Nat: Hey, doesn't Athina look pretty today?
Fred: Well, she is a Greek goddess after all, isn't she!

by antonios papdimitriou December 3, 2007

75๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


a beautiful short girl who everyone loves and she has a voice of a three year old

damn look at athina

by lyndzee April 1, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž