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A girl that will have a major glo up and will look like a queen! Be careful around Atia she is far more dangerous than she looks! She is loyal to her friends but, trusts no one. She has a thing for European guys and once she loves you, she's a keeper ;)

Omg I need an Atia in my life!

by Atia June 2, 2018

65👍 14👎


A female that'll grow with a shocking glow up and dreamy body. Usually seems tough on the outside but is pretty sensitive. Has an elite sense of humor and of course - dark humor lmao !! Is also camera-shy and probably doesn't like taking photos or videos unless she feels confident. Most likely many insecurities, even though they'll have an amazing glow up.

- coming from someone whose known 3 Atia's so i have experience ;)

Emily - "Wow, I'm really jealous of Atia !"

by isabella x May 28, 2020

15👍 2👎


1. A female name which means a gift from someone, generally from God.

2. A derogatory slang used generally in a demeaning way or while making fun.

I dont trust her, she is so very Atia.

by Rohan Ramachandran August 30, 2008

42👍 19👎


Atia, The Surname Of An Egyptian God, But not any god, THE BLOW-SHIT-UP GOD! He is the master of explosives and fire!


Guy1:Hey Atia, Could you blow this shit up for me please?

by MyHouseIsOrange!1!! September 7, 2009

22👍 10👎