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The male equivalent of bitch. A combination of bro and bitch. Can be either derogatory or a term of endearment depending on context.

1) What the fuck's up now BROTCH?

2) Hey brotch toss me a beer.

by durtysoufcraka January 17, 2010

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


black pubic hair in the crotch region.

He is such a freakin brotch.

by xXx me xXx May 17, 2006

5πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Mix between a brat and a bitch

Courtney Lauren is a brotch

by GAYOMI December 1, 2022


The area between your Butt and your cROTCH.

I have a rash on my brotch that won't got away. Should I see a doctor or just sprinkle baby powder on it?

by Superscope March 2, 2008

10πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Brotch Time

When two or more guys combine their bro time along with bitch time together to maximize the efficiency of their time allotted to chill.

In order to make the best of their short weekend, Zac and his main man Spencer chilled with their bitches for some quality brotch time.

by supajacked January 18, 2012

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A bro with a crotch.

A girl who drives lifted trucks and thinks she’s one of the guys. Usually a slut, starts with one guy in the group and then moves around to all his friends. Nasty long nails, too much make-up, nasty fried hair from being over bleached, or black.

Dude that girl is such a brotch. She slept with everyone of his friends.

by Pace-yourself June 24, 2019


Someone with brown pubic hair!

EXAMPLE--Miley Cyrus is a stupid teen brotch!

by CLANK106 March 10, 2010