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One of the prettiest sweetest girls you will ever meet. She has her blond moments but shes actually really smart! She gets a little flirty but shes a girl can ya blame her.? She would never to anything to hurt a friend but do not become her enemy or she will mess you up!! she's no hoe or skank, shes a down-to-earth girl that wants a commited relationship and many friends,,,anyone would be lucky to have this girl in their life, she is AMAZING<3(:

"Damn she's hot who is that?"
"Oh that's Baily but don't try anything she wants a relationship and she's not stupid! ... well most of the time"
"oohh well she is very pretty and seems really fun"

"Hell yeah i am!!"
(: (:

by basketbalbabe181 April 14, 2011

161๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful girl with no flaws and slays every boy who breaks her heart

Baily is everywhere

by Driipy March 11, 2016

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The nicest man in the history of earth. He is extremely flirty and will make you feel loved in an uncommon yet desirable way. He is also hotter than James Bond and heath leader combined. He is not afraid to kiss you or show u affection Wich makes his pure and loving soul

even more beutiful. He also makes the best freind possible. He often doubts himself but doesn't realize how perfect he us.

Person 1: hey who's that cutie you where just talking to

Person 2:it was Baily

Person 1: I wish I where you

by FFFFFritzyyyyyy January 13, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


beady eye, bug eye, wam forehead lookin ass bitch. White ass whore, attention seeker, flat ass, selfish bitch

Baily is a beady eye, bug eye, wam forehead lookin ass bitch. White ass whore, attention seeker, flat ass, selfish bitch

by September 1, 2022


The most amazingly beautiful and interesting girl you will ever meet. Bailis are loving, caring, accepting, forgiving, and patient. They are very smart and very bubbly.

Im planning baili's birthday so it has to be perfect! She deserves it.

by pseudonymphomanic November 11, 2014

40๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The funny, pretty, nice, smart girl that everyone loves and no one hates has many friends and loves them with all her heart.

Bailie is the most honest and truthfull girl I ever met.

by Attractivekey30 February 8, 2015

82๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The BEST girl you could ever find, Amaaaazing in every way.. Just doesn't realize it yet. Talk to her, you'll love her inside and out. HOTTIEEE!! ;)

Hey.... there goes Bailie. I'm gonna go get her numberr(:

by GottaLoveMe(: September 15, 2010

271๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž