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balsam is the name of the person who means the world to molka

who's balsam?
oh they're the loml

by avexo November 25, 2021


Money, the balm of all.

'tain't no problem, just spread some balsam and de pigs will turn down de heat.

by Bob Prochko September 21, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


adjective. Stems from noun: Balsam, a resinous substance, such as balm.

Denotes soothing, nurturing, encapsulating, fluidity.

"They have such a balsamic marriage"
the way you love me is so balsamic"

by fannyburger August 21, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A delicious salad dressing brought to you by Cardini and company. Cardini's Balsamic is good for the whole family. Cardini has been known to shoot this delicious dressing all over the salads of many females.

Also known as the species scantily clad women belong to.

PASS ME SOME OF THAT BALSAMIC! It's so good i can't resist using my hands!

OOH! That Balsamic sure is spicy.

I can down a whole load of Balsamic!

Ohh Betty? Yeah i took her out last night; what a real Balsamic she is in the sack.

Those damn Balsamicians are all over my neighborhood; I have to tape my bunghole shut at night.

by jagovasaur23 February 21, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Balsam kids

balsam kids, are the despondent majority of the biology in 2023, they are any student who takes biology either SL or HL with balsam, these students suffer from lack of in class knowledge as the teacher "balsam" barely teaches and spends her time teaching the students "life lessons" and spreading anti-male propaganda.

"I am sadly a Balsam kid, i barely take anything in class"
"why do we balsam kids have to take HL material in SL classes its unfair"

by botros May 23, 2022

Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar takes the gold of all vinegars. Non-alcoholic, yet it will explode in your mouth and on your food like katy perry biggest firework.

Hey I am feeling kinda down today, but I know that some great balsamic vinegar will make anything that I eat better.

by porthosthepirate January 25, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


He's probally realy sexy but he says the n word

Damn Balsam is sexy

by lol kill your self April 1, 2022