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A fairly large town located in sydney, australia. well known for drug dealing, drive by shootings, muggings and high housing costs. multi cultural and very much arab and asian associated! it has its own airport, train station, centro shopping centre and not to mention its endless amount of hookers!

person a: "where do you live?"

person b: "near homebush"

person a: "oh home bush is lovely where abouts near homebush?"

person b: "umm (stutters) bankstown"

person a: (turns and walks the other way muttering) "homebush yer right"

by rynus May 23, 2008

224👍 58👎

canterbury bankstown bulldogs

The best team in the Nrl

Dragons fan: Who on top of the table

Bulldogs fan: the best team in the nrl Canterbury bankstown Bulldogs

by Doggies 4 life August 15, 2011

23👍 9👎

Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs

Haha, They're pretty shit.

Person 1: Who lost 72 - 0 to the Brisbane Broncos?
Person 2: Must have been the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs.

by Noah Joh November 23, 2021

1👍 5👎

bankstown gangas

Also known as bankstown girls, chicks who come and think their something after 2 weeks. every chick there is all bark no bite their that embarrassing to the point were they see a guy they act like they've been trapped in a box for their whole life. they'll snake their best mate for a guy biggest flops. dont deserve to see the day of light again.

"today i went past bankstown gangas"
really ?

"yeh. too many faggots cuz"

by punchbowlians June 26, 2023