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baskin robbins

the spot where you order frozen treats, and they rip your heart apart.

in the song:TheHeist by Incredibad at www.thelonelyisland.com

Chamomile motha fucka!!

by Jake Jarmel July 8, 2004

45👍 20👎

Baskin Robbins

A mixed alcoholic beverage based on Dr. Pepper combined with 8 different flavors of alcohol. Due to Dr. Pepper's own 23 flavors, the total is 31 flavors.

"I dare you to mix these 8 and drink 'em."
"Woah, dude, lemme dilute that with some Dr. Pepper."

by decolosic March 22, 2010

12👍 4👎

Baskin Robbin

To hook up constantly but never get into a real relationship with the person. To just "sample" different girls/guys.

"Derrek just wants to Baskin Robbin it for the next couple months, he doesn't want to get into a meaningful relationship."

by Eric Eulau March 30, 2007

9👍 7👎


When you suck off 31 different men

I had Baskin-Robbins last night.

by your-fellow-niglet March 23, 2022

3👍 2👎

Baskin Robbins Boy

Title given to a playa who can't choose between his women.

Ricky is such a Baskin Robbins Boy! One day its Sarah, the next Tina. Just choose a flavor already...Geez!

by 444444444444444444444444444444 July 20, 2010

4👍 1👎

The Baskin Robbins 31

When you have successfully managed to get 31 women into bed with you . Reason it's called Baskin Robbins' 31 is cause the women are meant to be the flavors.

Brah I achieved The Baskin Robbins 31 last night, got my last flavor in .

by Kinglad March 7, 2017


The chillest place on earth. No matter if you're having a good or a bad day, when you go to Baskin-Robbins you'll be straight cheesing with a mouthful of ice creamy goodness.

I don't even care that I just stubbed my toe because I'm about to ice my frown down with some Baskin-Robbins.

by scooperhero November 24, 2021