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Neighborhood in Clearwater, Florida surrounded between Bellair Road, Myrtle Ave, Lakeview, & Missouri Ave. Definatly not the place that the Fresh Prince moved to.

Dats mah boy, he from over by Ross Norton in Bellaire.

by Soldier4HIgher January 22, 2007

15👍 11👎


-Hole in the ground
-Dirty People
-Smelly People
-Jerry Springer type people

my nigga, there is a lot of fucking dirt balls that live in Bellaire

by Jose Davis July 14, 2003

35👍 41👎


Bellaire, Michigan is a small resort town, surrounded by beautiful lakes a wonderful people. There is plenty to do, including hiking, fishing, golfing, hunting, boating, skiing or snowboarding, and of course there is amazing food. In addition to the tourist activities, Bellaire is a great place to raise a family, with a low crime rate and a great educational system.

Bellaire is the shit!

by Kevin Vliet November 12, 2007

15👍 20👎

Bellaire Cheddar

The fluids that drip out a man's erected penis before orgasm occurs, pre-cum, dogwater. Sterile men or men who've had vasectomies produce Bellaire Cheddar out their penises.

Typically in the Ghetto language among black Baptists.

"Man, I'm talkin' about before we climaxed, I had all this Bellaire Cheddar an' shit."

"Man, she gives me some Bellaire Cheddar when I see her in those tight-ass thongs."

by Interfuge August 15, 2011

1👍 1👎

bellaire high school

A place full of ass holes waiting to get the hell outta there

Oh, she goes to Bellaire high school, that sucks

by Just_asmalltown_girl November 5, 2017

harley rose bellaire

The most amazing girl ever, the most beautiful girl ever has the face of an angel she's hilarious, and loves pulling pranks. Always yelling, one you'd find on Jerry Springer. She is what you would call a "perfect" girl.

guy 1: Did you see is girl friend?
guy 2: Yeah man her names Harley Rose Bellaire
Guy 1: She sounds perfect
guy whos dating her: she's what you would call perfect.

by niggahgurl23 February 1, 2016


" Leaving" Or About To " Go Somewhere " Else, " Moving Around "

Oh, I See 12 ! I'm About To "Bellair" Before They Slide On Us !

by Bell Air February 23, 2022