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The most Rich & Powerful in the world, The New World Order (NWO)/Bilderberg group is actively bankrupting nations, so when we, the little people, are desperate, the NWO can get the land and resources at fire sale price (Agenda 21); then they may price gauging on the human basic necessity needs: food, water, fuel, and energy.

Alex Jones hates the Bilderberg group. He camps out at their meetings.

by welcometomyworld September 24, 2011

106👍 14👎


A Bilderberg refers to a family of people who pass on moronic traditions and never question their stupidity and force their habits on future generations.

"Who is that family calling the police on black people picnicking in the park?" "Oh, thats the Bilderbergs, the morons that live down the street."

Also as an insult,"Dont be a fucking Bilderberg you bitch."

by Shwattz July 28, 2018

4👍 7👎

bilderberg group

Every year there is a secretive meeting held that is attended by some of the worlds wealthiest and most powerful individuals. The majority of the attendees are billionaires, and they control the world's most powerful financial establishments and businesses. Participants of this meeting include kings, queens, princes, chancellors, prime ministers, ambassadors, presidents of nations, presidents of the most wealthy banks in the world, the CEO of the Dow Jones stock market, the CEOs of major gas companies, past US Presidents, high ranking government officials, highly influential and select media representatives, and other absurdly rich people of power. Although this attendance list consists of the immensely powerful elite who affect the majority of world events, it is never covered by the mainstream media and the secrecy of what is discussed is kept highly guarded. a
There are usually 115 participants in each annual meeting. Eighty are from Western Europe and the remainder from North America. From this mixture, one-third are from government and politics, and the remaining two-thirds from industry, finance, education and communications. The meeting was named after the hotel that the first meeting was held at in 1954. Anyone who is who tries to enter the meeting uninvited is instructed to be removed at all costs, and if resisting the individual is to be shot and killed where he stands. The purpose of this secretive annual meeting is to provide a forum where the worlds most powerful individual's can discuss and direct world events without anyone knowing what they are determining. If these elite world rulers had nothing to hide this meeting would at least be spoken about publicly.

Bilderberg group are the leaders of the world

by AC January 16, 2004

313👍 34👎