Source Code


a BMW automobile
often confused with beemer

The M5 is the ultimate bimmer.

by Chapel April 3, 2003

2019๐Ÿ‘ 284๐Ÿ‘Ž


What wankers and/or Americans call Beemers.

Wanker American: Look at that AWESOME Bimmer!

Australian: *shakes head and hits over the head with a VB stubby.

by Choadie January 23, 2009

462๐Ÿ‘ 736๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fine german automobile. BMW, Bavarian Motor Works

P1 : That guy drives a pimp bimmer.
P2 : Yah, that's an M3!

by G$ July 11, 2002

1666๐Ÿ‘ 297๐Ÿ‘Ž


What a douchnozzle calls a bmw automobile. Douchenozzles who drive "bimmers" will make sure that the unwashed masses do not call them "beemer"; to do so is apparently a grave offense against car enthusiasts everywhere, as a beemer is a BMW motorcycle.

Person 1: Nice beemer!
Person 2: It's a bimmer, idiot.
Person 1: *Punch* Who cares, you condescending bucket of douche? Get over it. BEEEMER!!!!

by Jolly-pay-no October 7, 2010

428๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž

bimmer fever

A person who is in love with BMW's and only BMW's stating that once you buy a BMW you will never buy any other type of car.

I just bought a brand new BMW and I love it!
Sounds like you got that bimmer fever.

by Zaine Schwain May 25, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bimmer Fag

A douchebag that thinks that BMW's are the greatest cars of all time. Bimmer Fag's will often talk about how fast their 325i's are, and how "stanced out their ride is."

Bimmer Fag #1: Yo broseph, I just put my stock 525 on bags, and that shit looks hella clean bro, you know bro?

Bimmer Fag #2: No way broseidon, how about my completely factory 323i, shit is looking hella flush with my CCW wheels, bro. Lets go pick up some fat fucking slimeball bitches and fuck 'em in our cars.

Bimmer Fag #1: Yo, good idea bro-beans! Lets fuck eachother's assholes awhile.

by turb0nikka April 18, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bimmer Buddies

When two people of the opposite sex both drive BMWs they have obligation to fornicate.

Friend: Yo that girl is so hot. How'd you get with her:

Me: Well we were Bimmer buddies so it just happened.

by ThatOneDouchebag February 8, 2016