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One who uses two legs for locomotion. People, big foot, ext...

"Come over"
"I don't have a ride"
"Nigga you better get your bipedal on"

by dilligaf0627 April 17, 2015

14👍 3👎


Eating a girl out while she is standing, typically while the other person is on their knees

Did you eat her out?
Oh yea, I gave her the ol' bipedal

by PutYourNeckIntoIt December 7, 2016

6👍 3👎


A creature that walks on their two back feet/paws!

Question? : hey is that animal bipedal?
Answerer! : i think so, it IS on 2 feet after all!

by MyTumblrIsAsk-Sky-Rimedy December 17, 2015

5👍 1👎


walking on two feet.

Barefoot bipedalism is a good form of exercise.

by uttam maharjan January 29, 2010

bipedal sentient flesh sack

Bipedal sentient flesh sack (sometimes the sentient part is removed) is another way to say human because humans are bipedal animals that have sentience and are covered with flesh

Guy 1:Humans are terrible ama

Guy 2:You mean bipedal sentient flesh Sacks?

by Urbdicdayismay23 May 5, 2024