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An incidence where you witness or encounter a bitch doing a very bitchy thing; i.e., a lack of respect for common courtesy.

"I experienced the worst bitchidence yesterday."
"What happened?"
"This girl took the coffee that I ordered when they called my name."

"What a bitch!"

by appelle November 11, 2015


Any type of incident caused by a bitch. Usually involves loud & obnoxious screaming, along with the pointing & shaking of a finger, usually aimed towards the face of the bitchident recipient. Most bitchidents involve the usual suspects, such as Karens, Ho's, Feminazis, Female ANTIFA Members, and generic Female Trailer Trash.

The poor bastard at the drive-thru got her coffee wrong. That Karen started a bitchident that backed up traffic for 15 minutes!

by KSparx July 18, 2020