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(noun) The result of having a slightly clumpy bowel movement with sufficient force as to tear the anus, resulting in a chunky liquid that looks like a meat sauce.

After Johnny ate too much in Mexico while drinking the water, he made a little bolognese.

by magrook August 4, 2006

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When you haven't ejaculated in weeks so bits of it harden in your testicles and when you finally blow, its like cottage cheese ๐Ÿง€

Hans: "Did yOu ZeE zat Boii."
Adolf: "Ja, ze had quite zee balls."
Hans: "Ze will have quite the Bowl o' Bolognese."

by hypercoagulant September 6, 2019

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An Italian meat sauce, the main ingredients being minced ox meat, tomato sauce and garlic. Served most often on top of spaghetti.

Like the bologna sausage, it was named after the city of Bologne.

Jarlo cooks a mean Bolognese sauce, it's a shame he drowns it in ketchup.

by Jarlonoms March 5, 2018

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A term used to show amusement, or used when something is funny.

Originated from the saying "Halario bolognese" which translates as Halariously funny. It has now been abbreviated to just the latter word "Bolognese"

Pronounced BOLO-NAYZ

"Mate that was so bolognese when you had sex with that munter"

"Not as bolognese as your ugly face"

by JRFRAZE November 5, 2010

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A language strictly for people that are awesome and cool. The original founders of this language have the initals of C.P.M and A.M.A, they are also the founders of awesome and they brought sexy back. Bolognese has been a language for all ages and is an easy language to learn. It is also a belief or religion and it is Bolognism, thats how sheer awesome it is. Also look in your local bookstore for Hooked On Phonics: Bolognese Edition, Learning Spanish In Bolognese!, So Easy A Bolongesiate Could Do It, Idiot's Guide To Bolognese

C.P.M + A.M.A= Sexiest People Uh-livve!

Examples Of Some Bolognese Words:

Xarely: revenge of the pirate llama II
Sorssesmmm!: omg that is the funniest crap ever!
ujikalam: i know right?
retyjume: i don't even understand how cool we are!
jujbeses!: ?!?!?
yutruqui: my mommy and daddy are being mean because i have to do my vocab cause i've been putting it off since 5:00
irooomiu: btw, this will be saved on my computer :
Tummosatoloby!: totally
ertyhumui: bye bye and night night
udlinksy!: ditto!

by The Wisdom Mark April 5, 2009

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Dingleberry Bolognese

It consists of ass hair / pubes as the spaghetti, the dingleberries as the meat mince and any residue bodily liquids (normally diarrhoea) as the sauce.

Usually a meal for one but can be shared.

Matthew: "Yo, what did you have for dinner last night?"

Michael: "I had my girlfriend's dingleberry bolognese. It was delicious"

by Nivea_dingleberry scented January 25, 2020


The legend behind this phrase is that if you have a thot and you don't put them in water then they are just a thot. But, if you take a thot and you drown them in boiling water then they go limp and floppy like spaghetti; resulting in a BOLOGNESE THOT (you can't say it without exclaiming it).

"That party was mega!"
"I know, a girl was even passed out on the floor like a BOLOGNESE THOT".

by Wakisaki December 14, 2017

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