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A word to describe something that is amazing. Such as awesome, ill, sick, sweet, dank, etc.

That sandwhich at the deli was the bombest.

by DJSRL April 26, 2012

16👍 1👎


A different way to say the bomb. Used to discribe, like 'best'.

He makes the bombest hamburgers ever.
She is the bombest snowboarder on the mountain.

by Barb9 September 18, 2006

17👍 4👎


cooler than cool, cooler than ice cold

my dog is the bombest

by cris December 21, 2003

9👍 5👎


A lady with a large nice ass

Adjoa SinBad has a BOMBEST

by KevinKorbs September 3, 2022

bombest illmatix

a bunch of sluts coming together, as one.

the bombest illmatix is the greatest band ever. and the sluttiest.

by Slutz October 16, 2003

3👍 2👎

da bombest

Matt's breakfast burritos

How good are matt's breakfast burritos? The bomb? Bomb dot com? Or most bomb?

They are in fact, da bombest.

by TheIvoryDisaster November 5, 2020


When your in the Oklahoma HEAT Cycling around Okc ..

I just found the bombest clear I think I might have ever had ever.

by Nate Jimmy John W... June 5, 2020