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Ukrainian traditional soup based on beetroot, which stains it in red. It is a basic first course in Ukrainian cuisine. Borsch is usually taken as a Russian dish by the other countries, but its origin takes a place in Ukraine. However it is widely used in national cuisines of neighbouring nations like Poles, Lithuanians, Moldovans, Romanians and Belarusians.

To understand Ukrainians you just have to try Borsch.

by vall-e February 7, 2016


A delicious Home made food made by Mothers and Grand mothers. It was originally made in Ukraine and has been made for many years.

Dude I'm hungry.

Here have some borsch

DANG dude this stuff is good!!! O_O

by kordave12 March 19, 2010

86👍 16👎


Borsch - The godlike soup. The blessed soul who invented this soup shall forever be in Heaven. When you taste it, you feel like god himself blessed your tastebuds, and the devil used his evil magic to good. It is healthy, tasty, and red. Origin in Ukraine, but now a known and multi-national dish in the slavic countries. Typically made by mums and grandmums.

Person 1: Hey! Let's eat some Borsch
Person 2: What is that?

--- 15 minutes later ---
Person 2: Where do i find more Borsch?

by borsh-is-perfection-soupified. January 30, 2020


short for abortion. only to be used around guys. and nuns.

Dude 1: Ugh, Stacy accidentally took a multi-vitamin instead of the Plan B pill.
Dude 2: Again? Won't this be her third borsch this month?!

by minnesota0269 May 11, 2008

11👍 70👎

Lets Borsch

To order takeaway from a non-commercial fast food establishment.

The action is preferably carried out by university students at 2:00am.

Student One: Shall we order?
Student Two: Lets borsch!

by TheKlondykesLair November 29, 2009

6👍 2👎

Stop eating borsch

Romanian expression used when some start talking bullshits

Romanian boomer: the COVID was developed by Bill Gates
Me: stop eating borsch

by Altexboss August 7, 2020