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Meaning "birth", it is informally used as a way to wish someone a happy birthday. Originated from a dialect developed in online chats like twitch, specifically Philza Minecraft.

I heard that their birthday is tomorrow, can you wish them send them a borth from me please?

by s1yfox14 March 1, 2022


Can be used as a past tense of "birth", often used by Philza himself or, his twitch chat

Happy borth Phil!

It's my birthday today, can I request a borth please?

by a fellow crow March 1, 2022


The combination of. Born and. Birth

Your borth day
The day you were borth
How will you celebrate your borth?

by Jinglalltheway61 July 22, 2021


Someone who is an attention whore for bad attention. Someone who loves making themselves into a meme. Specifically someone who loves giving their boss anxiety by causing chaos while their boss is asleep and unable to stop them.

Person 1: It's quiet around here, no drama at all.

Person 2: Yeah, just waiting for someone to come borth it all up.
The Borth: Did someone say purge all the members and then make an ass of myself in public channels? Challenge accepted!

Boss: Alright guys I'm going to bed, no one start any drama please.
The Borth: Start drama? You got it! *proceeds to cause as much chaos as possible before boss wakes up to see the PR nightmare created by the borth*

by Lunarestia October 8, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large, round space freighter designed to carry anything. Its gigantic capacity is credited due to the various wormhole generators on board, directing to and from various intergalactic storage facilities.

The Borth delivered 5,000 tons of PS2s to the GameStop on Alderaan last Sunday.

by Foreheader October 28, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is an attention whore for bad attention. Someone who loves making themselves into a meme. Loves giving their boss anxiety by causing chaos while their boss is asleep and unable to stop them.

Person 1: It's quiet around here, no drama at all.

Person 2: Yeah, just waiting for someone to come borth it all up.
The Borth: Did someone say purge all the members and then make an ass of myself in public channels? Challenge accepted!

Boss: Alright guys I'm going to bed, no one start any drama please.
The Borth: Start drama? You got it! *proceeds to cause as much chaos as possible before boss wakes up to see the PR nightmare created by the borth*

by Lunarestia October 8, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a combination of the words both and fourth; the way both refers to two people, borth refers to four

Matt, Ben, Katie and Nate went to McDonald's went to McDonald's and they borth got fries.

by Matt6116 April 17, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž