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breast pump

breast pump – (also known as the BP) when a man squeezes his wife or significant other's breast. This usually occurs in the comfort of one's home and can occur as often as the squeezer likes and can lead to foreplay or home runs.

After just getting boobie squeezed, wife says, "Honey! I'm carrying the laundry, you know."
"Woman! You know I gots to get my daily dose of the breast pump! BP, holla!"

by heather acq May 6, 2008

18👍 6👎

Breast Pump

When you meet a woman for the first time and she has massive jugs but once she produces offspring her output is about one milliliter. You cry while watching the breast pump producing the same amount of milk as male ejaculate. This, of course, forces the man to spend immense amounts of money on formula.

Yo, I knocked this chick up with 36d’s thinking I wouldn’t have to spend money on formula. We tried the breast pump but with limited success.

Bro, that sucks. Should have made the baby with her mother. Heard she’s a real milk machine.

by Mike Panama April 30, 2022

Breast Pump

A nickname used for one who rides the clock as long as humanly possible while doing the absolute minimum amount of work.
One who milks the clock.

Hey Breast pump, , you gonna do any work today?

by DubVWildcat June 12, 2021