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A person who is holding on too tight. Most likely spent their adolescent years sitting at the front of the classroom as the obvious β€œteacher’s pet”. The term is usually only used in a workplace setting to describe people who stay back late, suck up to bosses, go above and beyond etc.

Don: Jacinta loves this job too much.

Mick: Yeah she’s a squeezer...

by Anonymity November 3, 2017

88πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


when a woman grebs a penis tightly till the helmet throbs

the missus gave me a good squeezer last night on the job.......right on the vinegar strokes too!!

by ginger April 11, 2003

433πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


A handjob that involves a tight grip of the shaft.

People are starting to recognize me. A stripper offered me a squeezer last night dude.... a WHITE stripper!

by WesLeFevre July 17, 2009

225πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


A tight aggressive poker player. Plays conservatively but aggressive. Is known to trap with big hands.

The Squeezer trapped the donkey for all his chips sending him to the rail.

by Go Speed Go! December 22, 2009

130πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


A hand job. When another person (hopefully a girl!) stimulates a man's penis with her hand(s) until the man ejaculates.

"I got a squeezer from an Indian girl on a bunk-bed, so I think I got the whole Harvard experience." Frank - 30 Rock

by Pericot February 5, 2012

99πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


Wanker, usaully applied in a non-literal manner.

Steve-"Robert is giving me the shits. He borrowed $20 and said he can't pay it back, but he just bought a new car, he is a trainee and tells me how to do my job and he only talks about how hot his misses is and she's a dog!"
Greg- "what a squeezer"

by Stevwoodius Bogan 2 April 5, 2009

86πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


When a person thinks they are really good at a task, but in reality they are terrible at it.

Joe thinks he’s so good on the router, he’s such a squeezer

by Phill Hayward June 6, 2019

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž