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awesome, cool, interesting

I really like that guy he's brek!

by rosie$$$ February 8, 2017


a highly attractive person. excels in sports involving boards(snowboarding, longboarding, skimming, ect)super steezy, extremly possitive, and taste like sugar.

Girl1: oh my god that boy is so fine!

Girl2: oh he's a brek for sure

by 123213465 May 23, 2009

60πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


To be brekked is simply an advanced level of being rekt, to the point which a new word must be created, to describe the devastation that has occurred

Person 1: Heard you were in a car crash yesterday.

Person 2: yeah, i got completely brekked.

by Mememan1974 February 13, 2017


Super sexy boy gets all the wamen and is mega super Clutchin’

Ugly person: Who’s that over there getting all the freaking babes
Hot Girl: Oh, That’s Brek he’s so freaking sexy and smartalicious!!!

by November 25, 2021


Tiny penis ass hole that likes to touch little boys

Hide your kids. Here comes brek

by Zakinator135 April 19, 2017

7πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


adj. A term used to describe a severely unattractive person. Someone who is offensive to the eye.

derived from broke/bruk/butters.

"that girl is so brek she didn't get hit with the ugly stick, the whole forest pulverized her face! Bushes, soil, undergrowth; You name it, it beat her until she resembled a micro-waved puddle of vomit!"

by BaseBlitz February 25, 2009

12πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

ready brek

A slang term for cunnilingus. Alternatively, can refer to the taste of the female genitals during cunnilingus.

"Saad disappeared off with that girl last night."
"Yeah man, I heard she was dishing out the ready brek."

by Quis Custodiet March 22, 2007

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž