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If you get anyone with the name Briauna you're automatically lucky. She'll make you the happiest you could be and just by smiling with her beautiful dimples will make you instantly melt and fall in love with her. Being with her you'll never want to leave her side. She's an amazing kisser not to mention the best cuddler. anyone would be lucky to have her, I definitely am.

"Did you see Briauna today?"
"Yeah she looks gorgeous anyday."

by s.h.e.l.b.y86 June 29, 2017

18👍 2👎


An amazing girl who, upon meeting, will never be forgotten. Typically petite in stature, yet hardly unnoticeable. Naturally, she radiates joy to all whom she comes into contact with. As a result, those who meet her almost always attach themselves to her. She is kindhearted and befriends all, no matter their background. She constantly attracts guys that have long hair but not really long, but has the highest of standards, so many fail to win her, but they will always be friends in her eyes. But those who do are changed forever, for she is "the girl" every man seeks to find. She makes her man feel like a king by just being herself. Those that have had her love will never experience a love as great. The one that has her love does everything in his power to keep it. At times, because she is so thoughtful of others, she'll neglect to speak openly about herself. Some may mistaken this behavior to be clandestine, but those closest to her knows that she is simply the most humble person in existence. She is very modest, extremely observant, and always discreet. She is always quick to forgive and is exceptionally understanding. Physically, she has a gorgeous smile, sparkling blue eyes, blonde hair, and a lovely physique. She has the type of beauty that men desire to marry, for it never causes the eye to grow weary.

Briauna is very beautiful and unique woman.

by Briauna March 14, 2016

6👍 4👎


usually a 16 year old girl who is anal about organization. normally tall with short brown hair. takes after that father figure in the family. favorite saying "your mom" at completely innapropriate times. feeds on younger sisters that are tall beautiful with long blonde hair. briaunas hate blonde girls. if you are around them to long they can start to rub off on you. beware.

blonde 1: omg! something just ate all my long blonde hair off!!
blonde 2: it must have been a briauna

by Laliah December 19, 2008

32👍 40👎