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Buzz off

A friendly alternative for 'FUCK OFF'.

Bitch, it's none of your business so just buzz off!

by γ€ŽTHE 50% BITCH 』 September 7, 2016

69πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

buzz off

Go away.

"Buzz off! You're annoying me"!

by Dan Drzewiecki November 4, 2003

237πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Buzz Off

A censored version of "FUCK OFF YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKING BITCH" Maybe a tad exaggerated but, Y'know?

Person 1: *Bugging person 2*
Person 2: F-Buzz off 1..

by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 15, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Buzzed Off

To be angry, to be mad, or to be upset.

Tom: "damnit, this piece of crap buzzes me off!"


Billy: "What the fuck are you so buzzed off at me for?!"

by Cursed666 July 2, 2009

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

buzz off

What you say in response to inane posts on Google Buzz.

Don: Bzzzz!
Me: Buzz off...

by your_mom123 February 10, 2010

33πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Buzzing off the table

When a persons cell phone vibrates a lot, because of constant text messages. so the phone makes an annoying buzzing sound.

It is a spin off of the phrase, "the phone is ringing off the hook". Now that we have text messages, we have the phrase, "your phone is buzzing off the table"

John's gets his 6th text message in 30 seconds

Tom: John, your phone is "Buzzing off the table"

John: Yea I know, sorry, I'm in an important convo.

by jhid June 10, 2009

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Buzzing Off My Tits

A euphoric state-of-mind which is similar to the effect of drugs. It involves a heightened sense of joy. Can overcome anyone at anytime.

Not to be used in front of family members, because it might sound inappropriate.

Miriam said to Liz: I'm buzzing off my tits!


I was wigging, but now i'm buzzing off my tits!

by Big Mushrooms April 4, 2011

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž