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The Koenigsegg CCX is the most thrilling and dangerous sports car out there. With 806bhp (on american fuel) this beast will develop 850bhp on British. This car has no traction control and as of yet has no rear wing to keep the rear wheels from causing you to go medieval.

This car is around 400,000 GBP. And is close to the top speed of the bugatti veyron at 240mph, at half the price. Bargain if you ask me :p

Was it a bullet, a plane..noo its the ccx.

by Rossccx May 9, 2006

38👍 27👎

koenegsegg ccx

a car so fast even the stig made it spin out O_O it is utterly fuking mind blowing and totaly fucking slaughtered the veyron round the top gear test track

the koenegsegg ccx goes like BOOM SHACKALACKA

by cazza710 March 5, 2009

19👍 5👎