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cruise control

To be on cruise control means you are detached from the world: you glide through, paying limited or no attention to events which occur around you. You often stare into space. You may daydream, but most of the time you aren't really thinking about anything. You may feel lost even in familiar surroundings.
This can result from the break-up of a relationship, trouble within the family or the death of someone close to you.
It may involve drug use.

The term derives from the cruise control system on a car, which allows a specific speed to be set and regulated automatically by an onboard computer; the driver does not have to use the accelerator pedal

Ever since my brother killed himself, I've been totally out of it: I'm on cruise control.

by knights08 November 2, 2005

201๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

cruise control

Caps Lock is cruise control for cool.

Person 1: LOL U TK HIM 2 DA BAR?
Person 2: Even with cruise control, you still need to steer.

by moot!Ep8pui8Vw2. January 8, 2009

163๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cruise Control

When you run down the street while pissing on the wall/fence.

Hey dawg, I dare you to cruise control.

Okey dokey, homes, I'll try not to make the walls too wet!

by Diggidy Dawg March 29, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cruise control

The vaginal, anal, and oral penetration of a woman while she is jacking off two men. All of the 5 men penetrate their assigned orifice for 6 minutes, and then switch off. The total time for the activity is 30 minutes. Cruise Control is mainly intended to humiliate the woman in question

Girl: For my boyfriend's birthday, I agreed to Cruise Control him and his four closest friends. I think I got to know each of them a little bit better after their cocks were in me.

by White Bread April 19, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cruise Control

Receiving a blowjob or handjob from the passenger while driving the vehicle.
(Pun meaning the driver is "cruising" in the car, while the passenger is "controlling" the driver's penis)

"I was gettin' some cruise control the other day in the car, it was great!"


Friend: "Dude, what took you so long to get here?!"
You: (Spoken in a sarcastic manner) "I was on cruise control the whole way here."

by Larzz69 October 14, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cruise Control

The state of which your body has exhausted all its energy during sexual activity and results in a slow, uncontrolled motion that oddly resembles a humping motion.

After 5 hours of sex joe was very tired and put it into cruise control to catch his breath

by Tsutomu October 21, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cruise Control Swag

When a person has so much swagger that they are even able to control the amount they exert to a needle point. If you poses cruise control swag you can put out just enough swag to:

1) make bitches want you
2) make bitches fight over you
3) pull bitches off of other dudes
4) make bitches do things for you without any of the extra fluff needed

People with cruise control swagger have hit such a high level of "pimping" that they no longer even put a thought into what they are doing, it just comes natural.

A person with cruise control swag would also be known as a swag surfer

Pekelo went to a party after three days of not sleeping, rolling, and in a bad mood, he still pulled three numbers due to his cruise control swag.

Joey - "Lets get some bitches mayne"
Pekelo - "What u grinnin bout dawg"
Joey - "We gonna pull out that cruise control swag nigga, these bitches ain't even gonna see the shit comin"
Pekelo - "pimp out loud my nigga"

by Cushuito January 22, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž