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A hilarious word made by a hilariously stupid person who made a hilariously terrible attempt to try to zing Canada.

See: wordhidneous/word

Oh, gawrsh, Jebediah... there comes one o' them KA-NAH-DANS again! I sure hope he don't say EH to us, a-hyuck!

by Sasori May 12, 2003

122👍 93👎


The origin comes from a canadian who had just sniffed some cocaine and is a little confused with the words flying out of his mouth.

Person 1: Hey are you Canadian?

Person 2: Yah I'm Candian!

Person 1: EH?

by crazydudez October 20, 2009

11👍 21👎


a place that wants to be the usa but will never be

wow we just did that now those stupid candians are doing it

by jimbobjoejohn im from the souh May 11, 2003

36👍 231👎


A person from the town of Candia, NH.

If you are from the town of Candia, then you are a Candian.

by racartier March 9, 2006

80👍 66👎

candian twister

When you put maple syrup in the anus while twisting and pushing in and pulling out

I totally gave her a candian twister and she liked it

by Knucklezz420 August 2, 2018

Candian Wet Willie

When a woman gives fellatio to a man who's penis is covered in maple syrup

Boy 1: Dude, Bridgett just gave Joe a Candian Wet Willie!
Boy 2: Man, I wish I was as lucky as Joe.

by Tom_V November 1, 2012

Candian Dismount

When coming

in hot on a scooter and laying it down to stop and rolling in the dirt and bouncing off whatever is near by and becoming "that guy"

Shit man that guy did a candian dismount and banged his head off the shirt boxes

by P dub June 18, 2016