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placenta. some children are born with it. in some cutures (Cuba for example) it is considered extremely lucky, and the person may carry it in a pouch with them wherever they go to bring luck.

that boy has second sight! he was born with a caul

by maxzilla January 8, 2004

27👍 6👎

Steve Caul

The art of legend killing. When somebody puts down a legend, it is said that the person has pulled a Steve Caul (the original legend-killer)

Person A (legend): Oh ya I love to make buns.

Person B: Oh ya just like I love your momma's buns.

Person C: Wow, person C just totally Steve Caul-ed it all up in your grill and shit.

by Ronsputin May 18, 2010

2👍 2👎

Caul D

a) An awesome teacher of the English language who uses porn films based in Hollywood and unicorn penetration literature.

b) A hero for all ages. Fights off the evil gingiviti--err, the bad fiction octopi?

c) A teacher who receives very, very serious English papers without any jokes. None.

d) A teacher that does not mind students hiring prostitutes near his workplace (occassionally for him).

e) The mentor of Team Synergy.

"look at Mr. Caul D go red!"

"Oh man, that's ketchup!"

"He started wheezing all Caul D-ish."

by Team Synergy April 2, 2005

1👍 1👎


When you are so cool, you are as cool as Paul Russell

Man, that dude is Caul, but is Paul Cool?

by TimmyVee September 29, 2021