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1. Name commonly given to men with a very large cock.

2. Slang term used to describe a man with abnormally large testicles.

Source: This originates from the 2000 Florida elections with the "dangling chads". Chad + Dangler = Chadler.

Wow that dude's cock is HUGE. He's a fucking Chadler!

Guy 1: Wanna see my chubby?

Guy 2: Goddamn that thing is huge, Chadler!

by Chub Daddy July 8, 2011

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mambo Taxi Chadler

A vanilla white guy that looks extremely hot if you pound three Mambo Taxis at Mi Cocina with your sour cream enchiladas. He has a douche name like Chandler and looks like a Tony Romo 10 until you wake up and realize he is not as hot as Chadler when you were blackout drunk on Mambo Taxis. Aaron that point you realize his name is Chadler and you vomit at how low the bar is for yourself.

β€œDude, I hooked up with a fucking Mambo Taxi Chadler last night.”

β€”β€œDid you do the morning glory shame ride?”

β€œNo! I’m not that desperate, I left while he was sleeping.”


by Liukie July 19, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž