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To have buggery or other lewd sexual acts, often with the use of handcuffs, committed upon one by a 7 foot tall man in a bear suit. These acts are committed in the spirit of hazing/rookie initiation, and the victims in most cases are high school basketball players. Other victims include younger male prison inmates.

" Geez, that poor kid from Burnett got Chappled really bad. They stripped his clothes off and handcuffed him to a chair, then the 7 foot tall assistant coach walked in the room in a bear suit and buggered him. He probably should have went to Steveston instead of Richmond High"

by JackTors April 25, 2019


To be drunk or anebriated. Coined following inspiration from a colleauge at a work 'do'

I went out on the town last night and got completely Chappled.

by Offshore September 14, 2007

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1. A cherry and an apple combined
2. Cherry flavored Snapple
3. A place where Christians go to pray
4. Apple flavored chapstick

1. I'm quite hungry I'm going to go to the Chapple tree to get some fruit.
2. A nice Chapple sounds good right about now..
3. It's Sunday, time to go to Chapple.
4. My lips are chapped, I need some Chapple.

by Taloris September 5, 2011

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Chapple Effect

Someone who gets a new expensive electronic device and becomes a very mean person to everyone else who has a worse device than them

Oh, he has been affected by the Chapple Effect.

by Doge is dead meme January 22, 2017

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chapple juice

Apple juice + champagne = chapple juice

Fancy a glass of chapple juice?

by Rominic April 2, 2018

Thomas Chapple

A name used to describe a hard core gamer that has no friends . He is often plays multiplayer games to feel like he has friends, but everybody shits on him.

Thomas Chapple go boo boo.

by Hi I'm on urban dictionary November 6, 2020

Des Chapple

Living legend of Mankini Jedi Fighting. He is the Grey Wolf of the Gower the bigger sexier version of the Silver Fox.Likes Prawn kebabs

Mankini loving des chapple is often found with a prawn kebab on weekends in Kazakhstan

by Rob Diamond September 26, 2008